Listen to Season 3: Episode 1 - We're Still a Thing!

This week we talk yours and ours favorite subject...TSM! Because of an interview with Bjergsen, some of his answers came off, a little tone deaf. So we dig down and try to come up with some answers to some of our favorite questions.

Listen to the Tower Dive Season 3 Episode 5 - You Can't LCS Me!

Echo Fox sits alone at the top, TSM is alone in their woes, and there needs to be some WWE injected into the LCS.

Listen to Season 3 - Episode 4 - Bozo's and Knuckleheads

This week, the games were...BORING. We talk buffs, nerfs, Deficio, and more.

Listen to Season 3 - Episode 3 - Hot Piece of Ashe!

This week Tower Dive is reacting to the Locodoco firing and the situatin that has arisen from it, breaking down our "Game of the Week", Echo Fox v. CLG, reacting to Annie: Origins and giving a minute to somethings we can't stand.

Season 3 - Episode 2 - Ayyy (Air Horn)

This week on Tower Dive, breaking down games, talking Echo Fox, a bit of the meta, some Annie, and a whole lot more

Listen to Episode 16 - Thorin's Thou...wait a sec!

CLASSIC TOWER DIVE - 16 Episodes and we're VERY excited! This week, we find ourselves with an amazing guest, the popular and well respected eSports journalist, Duncan "Thorin" Shields! He's going to school us on League, eSports, and anything we can throw at him!

Listen to Episode 9 - Richard Lewis Takes a Dive!

CLASSIC TOWER DIVE - Episode 9! We have popular esports journalist Richard Lewis on with us! To even try to give you our talking points is a lesson in futility, sit down, grab a drink and enjoy the ride!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Episode 18 - Thanks for Asking

Episode 18 and things got heated, so much so, that it began to erode our stream connection! We managed to keep it together long enough to put out a great show! We go in depth on Riot and their inability to navigate the complexities of and provide actual answers, we chat about playoffs and worlds on the horizon and touch on a bevy of other topics, all that and a disconnect on this weeks Tower Dive!

Download the Episode Right Here!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Episode 17 - Don't You Know I'm Loco?

We've reached the top of the mountain...provided that means 17 episodes, because this is Episode 17! This week, we discuss new TSM coach Reginald, and how a change like this affects the team so deep into the season. Adrian has walked away from TiP, and why is all the talent in NA seemingly drying up in comparison to other regions? We do some Lyte smithing of our own, talk to our viewers and have a little fun all on Tower Dive!

Download the Episode Right Here!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Episode 16 - Thorin's Thou...wait a sec!

Our 16th episode, marking the end of being around for exactly 1/3rd of a year! What better way to celebrate than to get one of the most well respected and popular eSports journalist, Duncan "Thorin" Shields! We're excited to have him and to talk some League, pick his brain, all that good stuff! So clear your schedule, get some coffee, maybe a scotch or a beer, maybe both, because THIS is Tower Dive!

Download the Episode Right Here!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Episode 15 - Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes in LCS

15 episodes, we're almost 4 months into our lifespan here! We're more than halfway through the season, so it's obviously a perfect time to make roster changes, right? so much to talk about, so little time. What's up with C9? What in the world is TSM doing? Peke retiring? Why does my mic sound so bad? All this, and a whole lot more on this weeks Tower Dive!

Download the Episode Right Here!